How to Claim

In the event that your radio equipment is damaged and you wish to make a claim you should, immediately, contact us either by telephone or email.  Our service, as your insurance broker, is to help you present your claim to insurers and negotiate the claim on your behalf.  To enable us to deal with your claim we will need to know:

The date of loss or damage.
The circumstances of the loss or damage, ie what happened?
Where did the incident occur?
An estimate of the cost of repair or replacement?
We will then advise your insurer of the incident and send you a claim form to complete and return to us as quickly as possible.  When returning the claim form it will be helpful if you will also supply the following documentation:

Copy of the original purchase receipt, if available, for equipment for which you are claiming.
Ideally two estimates for the repair or replacement of the items.       It may not always be practical to obtain two estimates so please discuss this with us when you first notify your claim.
Photographs of the damaged equipment.
We will forward this documentation to the claims department for their consideration.  Unless otherwise agreed with us, all communication regarding your claim should be directed to South West Broking Ltd.

Do not dispose of any damaged equipment, unless the approval has been given by your insurer, as there may be circumstances when the claims department may wish to meet with you and inspect the damaged equipment as part of their claims procedures.

In the event of a claim involving injury to a third party or damage to third party property you must not admit liability and you must contact us immediately.  If you receive any correspondence from the third party or their representative, send it to us immediately, unanswered, to enable us to forward to your insurer to deal with.


Get in touch 

So why not call or email us today.

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